I just came across a great website . It is all about why we should vote for Cheney in 2008. I think if we conservatives can put our heads together and build up momentum on the internets, then we may be able to convince this great American to run for the highest office in the land and continue to lead our country in the right direction. None of the other Republicans have the strenght and wisdom possessed by this great man. I am going to pray nightly that Jesus will speak to Mr. Cheney and tell him that he should run!
Hello Ohio, it is quite a site you have here. I think you are definitely right that if we just work together, we could get Cheney to lead our country to greatness once again. Cheney is truly a historic figure and it is not very often that leaders of such a great caliber come along (perhaps George Washington or Abraham Lincoln were also such leaders). Keep up the good work, and keep on fighting for Ohio (I don't know what went wrong in Ohio in 06 with such a great candidate as Ken Blackwell).
Oh, Mr. Neocon, you are so... so....
Never mind. But I don't think I want to bear all your children.
I found you from Cheney's the Man, and want you to know, you've been listed on my own little blog.
As the far right wing.
Love ya!
Diva, thanks for adding me to you're blog! I hope we can work together to make America safer for freedom loving patriots all over the country, not just in Ohio! I enjoy the label "far right wing" it keeps me even further away from all them left wing loons out there!
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