Recently in Mexico Miss USA was booed by the Mexican people when she fell down. Michelle was kind enough to explain the circumstances. For me it comes down to this: If these animals can't even respect one of the symbols of this great country, Miss USA, why should we allow them into our great country. These people are tripping over each other to sneak across our border, take our jobs, steal our healthcare, ingage in criminal activities and of course have unprotected sex. I say if they can't respect Miss USA, then we shouldn't respect them. Build a wall precedent Bush! Send them all back so that they can really have something to boo about, how bad it is down there!
Miss America is not a symbol of this country. The flag is. She is a commercial ad for business. The fact that they booed her speaks vlumes for how much respect this country has lost since Bush took office. We are slding further and further in the lack of respect category from many many countries. This is bad for America and bad for growth and business..
Typical left-wing loon! Your logic contradicts itself, first you say she is not a symbol and then you say people boo her because they don't like Bush, if she weren't a symbol of the USA why would they Boo her? There are many symbols of the USA: the flag, Miss USA, the eagle, apple pie, the cross, America is a great nation and more than just one symbol. The reason they booed her was because she is a symbol of America and those Mexicans, just like al-Qaeda, are jealous of us and hate our freedoms.
i can see that if i stick around, we may have some heated discussions, altho i suspect you are writing tongue in cheek
Weezielou, how does a person write with their tongue in their cheek?
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