It seems that the pinko Governor of Ohio has gone off his rocker yet again! This anti-American defeatocRat who voted against our troops as Congressman in 2002 has gotten uppity with precedent Bush. In a letter to Mr. Bush Strickland wrote
Will you give me your personal assurance that every Ohio Soldier, prior to deployment, is provided with the most up-to-date equipment for their mission, including individual body-armor systems, M-4 rifles and other weapons systems, night-vision devices, and up-armored type vehicles?
Who does this clown think he is? Of course the troops have enough equipment and the precedent of the USA don't have to answer to this slime ball, who if he was still in the Congress would have voted for the defeatocRat bills that his commieleagues kept sending to the precedent with timelines for defeat and more pork than a Bob Evans Farm. The only person precedent Bush has to answer to is Jesus, not some slimy governor who cheated at the polls to narrowly win the election in Ohio. Oh and by the way is it just me or does the name "Ted" seem to be a name Godless communists pick for they're kids (Ted Strickland, Ted Turner, Ted Kennedy)?
Great post, Ohio. I seriously doubt that the people of Ohio are going to put up with these kinds of shenanigans for long. Hopefully the legislature will do its rightful duty and move to impeach this joker.
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