In order to be a patriotic American you need to:
1. be a Republican
2. be a Christian (a real Christian, not Catholic or Mormon or any of the other pseudo-Christian movements that are trying to steal America's soul).
3. Accept and support ALL of the Precedents ideas, goals, wars and so on (unless of course he is a defeatocRat, then you need to oppose them)
4. Support the Iraqian War, because if you oppose it, you oppose the troops
I started this blog because I am sick to death of the left-wing liberal lunatics who have taken over the discourse in politics. I am here to return sanity and reason to it's rightful place in politics. I want to see Christ returned to the center of the lives of all Americans because He is what has made America the greatest country in the world. With Christ all things are possible and if we pray on it hard enough the secular-progressive and Muhammadan jihadists will banished from our midsts. Together we can make this country safe again for Bible beleaving Christians.
I am so clearly unAmerican by your standards! Wow. Lock me up and throw away the key.
I'm a republican, i'm christian (does anglican count? and why doesn't catholic?) I also live in France beacause I believe their particular concept of what Republican means is infinitely superior to what the American political movement has made it. It's difficult to accept all of the Precedent's ideas as half the time I believe he contradicts himself. As for the Iraq war, I opposed it vigourously from day 1 and i believe the troops who are dying out there are amongst the most eager to oppose the war, now that they have seen what a fiasco it is. Any thoughts?
Thanks for your questions. I don't know much about French politics, because every time I see France in the news they say something bad about America and I just can't stand it. By Republican I mean the Republican Party in the USA, are you a member? As for your Christianity, unfortunately it doesn't count since like the Catholics the head of your church is not Jesus, but the Queen, like the Pope in the Catholic Church. As for opposing the war, Bush went to Iraq because Saddam Hussein worked with bin Laden to attack America on 9/11 and his government, like al-Qaeda hated America because of our freedoms. Hope this helps!
Hahhahahahahaha. Aw Jeez!
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