Thursday, June 21, 2007

Condi is in Touch with Ordinary Americans

Although I am not in favor of people listening to that hippity hoppity music (unless of course it is Christian, but there is very little of that out there), I wanted to post this video of Condi jamming a few days ago with some folks because people in the left- wing media say that the Bush Administration is out of touch. Boy are they wrong. Look at how Condi is feeling the music and really getting down to it. Ordinary folks should be encouraged by Condi's display in this video. The Bush Administration is in touch with us and they will continue to look out for us as terrorists and enemies of freedom try to destroy our country.


Tina said...

Ah-hah! You have provided me with rock solid proof that people have denied for yrs: It really was Condi in 2 Live Crew's "Hoochie Mama" video.
.... and ya know what? That would completely explain why I swear that I actually heard President Bush humming these lyrics under his breath at a press briefing (as he tried in vain to block out another one of those liberal troop-hatin David Gregory questions): Big booty hoes hop wit it! Hoochie mamas hop wit it! Let me see ya touch the ground...

Ohio Neocon said...

I have never defiled my eyes or ears with the videos or music produced by 2 Live Crew. What I can say is this: If Condi had been in a hippity hoppity video in the past, she is forgiven because she has accepted Christ. Just as Paris Hilton was forgiven for her sins when she accepted Christ (see my previous post on Paris being persecuted for her Christianity

Woody Tobias, Jr. said...

'skuze me, 'skuze me. I wish Ms. Condi wuld quit her day job and start rapping full time.

SouthLoopScot said...

Jamming? LMAO!
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir has more rhythm in its baritone section then Condi has in her entire body!

Anonymous said...

Tree, that's funny. I suppose you call doing nothing, as the Government did in the Gulf Coast with Katrina, not Racist? Be careful you don't fall on your head anymore.

Tree said...

Anonymous, your comment doesn't in any way acknowledge the racism of American Scot and has nothing to do with this post which means you lack good debating skills (not uncommone among liberals)
Besides, George Bush was down in Louisiana hugging people so how can you say the Government did "nothing?"

Ohio Neocon said...

Not only did President George W. Bush hug people in Louisiana (as well as other Gulf states), he brought people hope by giving a heartwarming speech in New Orleans. When people are suffering the most important thing they need is kind and warm words. The words said by President George W. Bush in front of that church really started the healing process for the people of that region.

SouthLoopScot said...

tree: Not I'm not a racist, I'm more of a misanthrope!

P.S. "Hippity Hoppity" wouldn't be racist would it?
Maybe it's just another indicator of how out of touch the right is with ordinary folks! (Its Hip-Hop music)

Bill: Nice example, to bad you forgot to mention that old W. had the electrical grid rigged to do his little speech. Meanwhile, thousands of people in the surrounding area were without the same electricity for another month!
Oh yeah, he's a real humanitarian....

SouthLoopScot said...

Oh and since when did the Mormons become a race?
Did I miss that on the last census?

Tree said...

Maybe I misunderstood, American Scot. I just assumed from your comment that you were relying on racial stereotyping and implying Condi Rice should have a lot of rhyhm because she is black while the Mormons have none because they are white. Maybe you could explain your comment because to see it any other way really reduces any implied humor in the original statement.
Also, in my opinion, I don't see "hippity hoppity" as racist at all but it may imply OhNeco's dislike of the music style which are two completely different things. I mean, say you don't like Classical music, does that mean you hate white Europeans?

Ohio Neocon said...

Actually "hip-hop" is a term used by rich suburban Caucasians. "Hipity Hopity" is a term I hear used frequently in my neighborhood, Over-the-Rhine, which is predominantly African American. Many youths drive through the streets listening to that sinful music at obscene levels and I often hear complaints from older African American women about how destructive/racist/sexist/obscene that hippity hoppity music is.

Tree said...

Move out to the suburbs where I am, OhNeco. My neighbor's teenage son loves to blast Christian rap at very high levels.