Senator Fred Thompson is dancing to the right tune. He flew to London today to meet with former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, seen above dancing with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.
Fred Thompson, the actor and former Tennessee senator who is expected to announce next month he is running for president, flew to London on Monday to meet Margaret Thatcher and deliver a foreign policy speech, his advisers tell The Politico.Many pictures have been taken of President Bush that have brought us together as a nation. A picture of Maggie and Fred together is THE picture that will unite all conservatives and sane democrats as well. Almost every day the Thompson crew is surprising the world with its ingenious decisions: adding Vice President Dick Cheney's daughter to the campaign, endorsing Guantanamo, calling for tough measures against illegal immigrants, and now this. He has come so far and has yet to announce if he is running or not, I can't wait to see what he has in store for us if he does decide to be our next president!
Thompson's advisers aim to use the London events to bolster his foreign policy credentials and elevate him above the increasingly contentious fray of the GOP race.
On Wednesday, he will pose for photos with Thatcher, which his advisers hope will enhance his support among devotees of former President Ronald Reagan.
You've got to be joking
Not sure who Margaret Thatcher is dancing with, but that's not a recent photo, and her dance partner is not Clarence Thomas. But then, you love to mix up the pictures of William Jefferson and John Conyers and then lie and say they are correct when even you can't be that stupid. Or maybe they all look alike to you, which is probable. You are one whacked out dude.
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