I was talking to some friends today and mentioned my support for Cheney/Thompson in 08. A good friend mentioned repealing the 22nd Amendment to allow Bush/Cheney to run again. I know that there are many defeatocRats out there would would strongly oppose such a strong ticket. What do you folks out there in the blogosphere think? Should we get the 22nd Amendment repealed and allow Bush/Cheney to continue they're battle against the global jihadist agenda???? Give me your thoughts.
You really are delusional aren't you?
Put down the Jesus Juice and get a clue.
American Scot,
Delusional? Hardly. I am simply an American expressing his most fundamental beliefs, especially in freedom, which is curbed by the 22nd Amendment. We need the freedom to continue the execellent precedency of George W. Bush. I know it is a long shot, but we should at least be able to choose to vote for him again! Now that would be freedom!
the 22nd amendment prevents anyone or anybody to take control of the country. Be president for life without it. and if Bush was relected it would be hell.
Sure! 4 more years of Bush would be good for us.
Yeah! Bush Cheney '08!!!
Sometime in the future, the American people will look back and realize what a great President Bush was and how when he went to war w/ the islamofascists, he forsaw the future and realized that they would be the biggest threat to the Free world and especially Christiany and America, and tried to protect us from that. I believe Bush handled his time in office as well as he could and did a very good job doing so.
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