Wyoming is abuzz with speculation that Lynne Cheney may be nominated to take the Senate seat of the recently deceased Senator Craig Thomas.
In years past, there has been idle speculation of Lynne Cheney's interest in running for office. Don't be surprised if her name pops up at some point in this process.When asked
A spokesperson for Lynne Cheney, wife of the vice president, would not deny that she, too, was a candidate for the U.S. Senate seat, according to The Associated Press.If Lynne Cheney gets a seat in the Senate and Dick Cheney wins the election in 2008 America will be even safer than it is today. This one two punch of the Cheneys in the legislative and executive branches could only be topped if one of Cheney's daughters is nominated for a spot on the Supreme Court. Think of the great things this family could do for America if each of our three branches of government was represented by a Cheney. Life would be wonderful.
Wyoming and Lynne Cheney. Two nightmares, one environmental, the other intellectual. Lynne Cheney is to politics what Wyoming is to strip mining. What a perfect match.
Are you blogging from Iraq? If not, why not? The Army needs you.
Wow, that is certainly a thrilling prospect, but perhaps we as a nation are undeserving of such leadership. I think a Lynne Cheney senate candidacy could put the wind behind republican sails in 2008 and help them retake the Senate by several seats...the logical next step would be for her to become Senate Majority Leader.
Okay, now you are scaring me. Would we become like a Cheney Nation? Or maybe the United Cheney States of America? Maybe you're right, maybe a whole bunch of Cheney creatures would be just what we need. What part would Mary Cheney's little baby play?
Would it be possible that there could be a Cheney, Cheney presidential ticket in 2012? Egads!
Patricia, actually, the beauty of it is that you could have 8 years of Dick Cheney as President, and then 8 more years of Lynne Cheney after that. The Cheney's would be in the White House until 2025, exceeding FDR's record. It's a beautiful concept.
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