Just when we thought that the communists had been defeated, Hollyweird goes and revives that evil menace.
The voice of Princess Fiona in the animated "Shrek" films visited the Incan city of Machu Picchu in Peru's Andes on Friday carrying an olive green bag emblazoned with a red star and the words "Serve the People" printed in Chinese, perhaps Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong's most famous political slogan.This is just one more example of why we should boycott Hollyweird. Their agenda is obviously anti-American, pro-Communist, and pro-terrorist. If only Senator McCarthy were still alive.
The bags are marketed as fashion accessories in some world capitals, but in Peru the slogan evokes memories of the Maoist Shining Path insurgency that fought the government in the 1980s and early 1990s in a bloody conflict that left nearly 70,000 people dead.
I know what you mean. Just look at the presidents that have come out of hollywood. People like Reagan and Fred Thompson. Okay, Thompson isn't prez yet, but I hear he will be. Should we boycott his presidency? I need to know what to do.
As for Shrek, I always boycott giant green funky looking men, so I'm way ahead of you on this one.
Oh,goody. I love boycotts!
Reagan did not come out of Hollyweird, he came out of Hollywood, before it got taken over by communists and terrorist sympathizers. Think of Cuba in the 1950s, that was Hollywood, whereas today you have Castro in Cuba and sickos like Michael Moore in Hollyweird. Fred Thompson is not a part of the Hollyweird establishment, he is a stand up guy who only takes roles that are wholesome.
Ironically, the purse was made in China. (heh)
Bill, why do conservatives love to bash actors, yet at the same time get all wet in the undies over the likes of B grade actors like Fred "Basset Hound Face" Thompson?
american scot,
We have no problem with actors as such; what we despise is the left-wing agenda pushing Hollyweird elite like Michael Moore, Susan Sarandon, and Tim Robbins. Actors like Fred Thompson and Ronald Reagan stand up to these elitists and we praise them for their leadership. They make wholesome family movies and not the propaganda and pornographic anti-family work that comes out of most of Hollyweird.
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