I broke down and cried today, I'm not afraid to admit it. I was already deeply disheartened by the sentencing handed down on Scooter Libby today when I came across this letter about the sorrow which will befall all of the children that Scooter Libby has touched in his life. Mary Matalin, a stand up lady and assistant to Vice Precedent Cheney and a former subordinate of Scooter's had this to say
I have seen what this trial has done to my own kids, just their reading about it. I cannot imagine the toll on Scooter and Harriet's young ones. Setting aside the pain of the LIbby family, my girls just don't understand. They are old enough to intellectually comprehend the facts of the case but associating these "facts" with "Mr. Scooter" remains a complete disconnect to them.Unfortunately the Judge's heart was wrapped up in the same evil Satan had put into the heart of Patrick Fitzgerald. I pray for they're souls and for the souls of all the children who will not be touched by "Mr. Scooter."
My family is praying the wisdom and mercy you bring to bear in determing Scooter's future will include a consideration of his family, the price they have already paid and what further justice would be served by additional devastation to them and the many other children who love Scooter.
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