This is what happens when prayer is removed from school and secular progressives are allowed to push their agenda on our poor defenseless children
A first-grade teacher quit last week after school officials discovered he was viewing pornography on his computer while class was in session, Edgewood City School officials said today.
This should be a lesson to all of you defeatocRat secular progressives who have invaded the sanctuary of the school building! We know what you are up to, but more importantly, Jesus is watching you!
This has nothing to do with prayer in school, it has to do with one individual doing something he, frankly, should not have been doing. Whether you agree or disagree with prayer in schools and whether you are for or against pornography, viewing it at any workplace is out of order - but at a school...?!
I teach at a prestigious Christian school where prayers are very much the order of the day... several times a day, in fact. Yet that did not stop one teacher being fired recently - also for viewing pornography.
Campaign for prayer in schools if that is your belief but don't jump on the old cliche of saying that it will make a perfect society. It's naive and points blame at the wrong places.
Might I ask what sort of Christian school you teach at? No Bible believing Christian would ever choose to look at pornography
I'm with Ohio Neocon! Exactly what kind of Christianity are you teaching these precious souls if you allow a teacher to look at pornography??!!
I will pray tonight that Jesus helps you see the error of your ways.
Ahem... we did not allow the teacher to look at pornography, hence his sacking. And I am not claiming this individual to be a decent Christian just because he taught at a Christian school. In fact, I've come across Ministers and Priests who, despite the outward appearance, don't fit the mould of 'decent Christian'.
So what you're saying is you allow indecent Christians to teach your children?
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