Vice President Dick Cheney's office appears to be gearing up for a possible presidential campaign. He is doing this by slightly distancing himself from President Bush's executive office so that he can have a free hand when it comes time to campaign.
For four years, Vice President Dick Cheney has resisted routine oversight of his office’s handling of classified information, and when the National Archives unit that monitors classification in the executive branch objected, the vice president’s office suggested abolishing the oversight unit, according to documents released yesterday by a Democratic congressman...The letter said that after repeatedly refusing to comply with a routine annual request from the archives for data on his staff’s classification of internal documents, the vice president’s office in 2004 blocked an on-site inspection of records that other agencies of the executive branch regularly go through...David B. Rivkin, a Washington lawyer who served in Justice Department and White House posts in earlier Republican administrations, said Mr. Cheney had a valid point about the unusual status of the office he holds.The democrats are again trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill; the vice presidency is constitutionally defined as a legislative function (he is the tie breaker in the Senate). The only reason that democrats are trying to tie Cheney to the White House is so that they can continue their smear campaign. I think this bold move by Vice President Cheney is a signal to the people of the United States: He is going to run in 2008. The American people need to stand up to this vicious attempt by the democrat party to smear Vice President Cheney. He may be our only hope to secure liberty and freedom when 2008 rolls around.
“The office of the vice president really is unique,” Mr. Rivkin said. “It’s not an agency. It’s an extension of the vice president himself.”
'skuze me, 'skuze me. Why come Mr. Cheney's got his head taped together? Is it splitting open?
" He is doing this by slightly distancing himself from President Bush's executive office so that he can have a free hand..."
At being Dicktator for life!
the confetti looks like a crown. A crown he so deserves to wear.
that isn't tape, it is confetti that has been thrown at him by his loving fans.
Dictator for life would be un-American, however if the 22nd Amendment were to be repealed I would have no problem having him as president for life.
he does deserve a crown for all of the great things he has done for this country.
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