The Scientologist Romney partially understands what the Global War on Terror is all about. He is certainly not up to par to meet my standards for president, but at least he understands it a little. At a recent event he said the following:
"I think some people see Guantanamo as a source of America's arrogance, and I see it as a source of America's resolve," Romney said.He also recently said that he doesn't want the terrorists to have access to our attorneys. I agree with him on that one, once you let those ambulance chasers, like John Edwards, get into a room with the terrorists, the next thing you know they will be suing the government for millions of dollars. That is simply unacceptable.
Of course, you must first trust implicitly that the only people incarcerated in the legal limbo of Guantanamo are, indeed, terrorists.
With no access to attorneys or the ability to challenge the veracity of the complaints against them, then it is possible an innocent person has been imprisoned. Statistically, it is even likely!
I just don't trust the government enough to think that such programs should be allowed to operate without meaningful and transparent oversight. I don't trust overworked, underpaid government employees to be competent, let alone benign and without preconceived bias.
This is the reason that the prisoners (probably terrorists in most cases, but we just don't know) should have access to some form of legal representation.
We have not been attacked since 9/11, so I trust what the Bush Administration is doing, there may be a few mistakes, but better safe than sorry. There is no other explanation for our safety than the wisdom of this administration and they're ability to combat terror, when you ask questions, you aid the terrorists.
And the trains ran on time in Nazi Germany, and everyone had good jobs. If you asked questions, you were an enemy of that state as well. :)
In any case "better safe than sorry" is a nice chestnut to rely upon when seeking to justify an over-reaction. Its the same one trotted out by the tree-huggers when they propose sweeping and potentially economically devestating reforms and regulations.
ghost of jefferson,
I don't understand you're question. Could you please rephrase it?
Making comparisons to Nazi Germany is simply infantile. You had a coherent argument at first, but when you start making Nazi comparisons, that is just ridiculous. Bring you're argument back into the grown up world, please.
About the treehuggers. There is no concrete scientific evidence to back them up. In regards to Gitmo there have been zero attacks since it was opened. There is all the evidence you need.
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