Rep. John Conyers, defeatocRat Michigan, is yet again pulling Congress away from the important work of protecting America so that he can have some more political theater.
White House statement issued Wednesday said: "We are aware of the Judiciary committees' plans to issue subpoenas. We will respond appropriately. The committees can easily obtain the facts they want without a confrontation by simply accepting our offer for documents and interviews. But it's clear that Senator Leahy and Rep. Conyers are more interested in drama than facts."
"It must be terribly frustrating to Chairman [John] Conyers [D-Michigan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee] and Chairman Leahy that more documents come out and still again there's no evidence of any wrongdoing," Fratto said.
"The bottom line -- there's no news in these e-mails. I know Conyers and Leahy say this shows more White House involvement in the process than was known. No, it doesn't. It doesn't show any more than we've talked about extensively.If you live in Michigan, call Rep. Conyers and tell him to stop playing games with America's safety. Every day that he wastes playing politics with a completely legal issue is a day that terrorists can use to plot against America.
Ummm, did you ever work at Fox News? Just curious. Did you work in the dept where they match up pictures with names before showing them on the screen? I bet you did and you're just too proud to admit it.
"Every day that he wastes playing politics with a completely legal issue is a day that terrorists can use to plot against America."
Who could argue with that statement? I mean really, who could? Conyers is just wasting time and therefore giving that wasted time to the terrorist. Now the terrorists have all their time and some of ours too. I call no fair on that tactic.
I'm glad you understand the scope of this issue. Chavezistas like Conyers are not only hurting America's safety by wasting time, but this hurt grows exponentially the more time they waste and the more time terrorists have to plot.
I'm sure you find mixing up William Jefferson's photo with John Conyers' picture amusing, inspired no doubt by your handlers at Fox News, which makes such "mistakes" regularly. Thanks for the inspiration - I will post Duke Cunningham's picture in place of Dick Cheney's from now on. Still don't understand why you post Gary Bauer's for Mike Huckabee's, but if it amuses you to play such games, be my guest.
I assure you there has been no mix up here, simply google these men and you will see that I have posted the correct pictures. Unlike the left, I do not have handlers, I am out here on my own offering Americans what they really want to hear instead of the junk that the liberal mainstream media feeds them for news.
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