A dark cloud has fallen over this great country and that cloud's name is injustice. Today a liberal activist judge ordered an innocent man be put behind bars.
A federal judge on Thursday ordered I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby to report to prison while his attorneys appeal his perjury and obstruction convictions.I pray for Scooter to be strong, like other innocent men who were imprisoned unjustly,like the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. If there can be any silver lining seen in this cloud, which I doubt there is, it is that he will have time to perhaps write another moving piece of literature.
Libby's attorneys asked that the order be stayed, but U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton denied that and told Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff that he had 10 days to appeal the ruling.
I'd like to start a fundraising effort so that we may build a monument in honor of this brave American. Will you contribute?
I have already donate money to his legal fund, I feel it would only be right to donate money in order to build a monument to this selfless patriot. When will you begin collecting so I can write a check!?!
You have already donate money?Excellent grammar. You are such a testament to evolution. You got left behind.
you probably should not forget to put a space between a question mark and the next word when criticizing someone for forgetting a "d." I suppose by your logic you too were left behind as a testament to evolution. Only one person was ever perfect, anonymous, and that was Jesus Christ himself. Everyone else makes mistakes from time to time.
Does anyone besides me remember when Libby Lewis interviewed Lewis (Scooter) Libby?
Ohio Neocon, if you are familiar with downtown Cincinnati, then you will probably agree with me that the best spot for Mr. Libby's statue will be right on Fountain Square. A close second choice is on the Purple People Eater Bridge. I'll be bringing this up with City Council ASAP.
I think those are some great ideas. fountain square would be a good place because they just renovated it and i think it would draw in a lot of visitors. The PPB would be more symbolic, Scooter bridging contemporary America and the future of America. If they put the monument on the PPB then perhaps they will reopen the climbing section so that people can climb up to the Scooter statue, sort of like climbing up to freedom and liberty.
wow Ohio, that is so deep and beautiful...
To compare this piece of human excrement to Dr. Martin Luther King is beyond the pale!
What are you smoking down there?
The man outed a CIA agent. That is Treason, and if I had my way he'd be treated the same way Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were!
As much as I respect Ohio Neocon, I have to say it was wrong to compare Mr. Libby to Martin Luther King, jr who was after all a communist. But, we all slip up from time to time.
american scot,
Again with the whole outing of a CIA agent bit? Have you read any of the court proceedings? He was not convicted of that, he was wrongly convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice, not the outing of a CIA agent!
Wow, it had completely slipped my mind that Martin Luther King Jr was a communist, I feel ashamed for having compared the selfless, patriotic, and loving father figure, Scooter Libby, to him. I will pray that God forgives me for such an egregious error.
I'll pray too, OhNeco. I'll also pray for American Scot's soul.
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