In a recent Talking Points Memo Bill let the folks know the truth about his audience. Unlike the ignorant liberals who watch Newshour on PBS or any of the network news stations, the people who watch the Factor are the cream of the crop.
Ninety-nine percent of "The Factor" audience is responsible and perceptive. Polls show this program has the smartest, most affluent, and most influential people watching in the country, not only on cable news, but in all of TV news.
This is an example of some of the stories I have come across (thank God for FoxNews and it's fair and balanced coverage!!!) that have been able to sneak across the heavily guarded liberal media border (unlike our border with Mexico, which the defeatocRats and the liberal media want to leave open so that more tuberculosis, terrorists, and rapists can freely enter our country). Hopefully more good reporting like this will make it out to the folks.
Again, you really have to be a parody.
"This is an example of some of the stories I have come across (thank God for FoxNews and it's fair and balanced coverage!!!)"
Your kidding right? Fair and balanced? Even the staunchest of rethugs I know will tell you Fox is a rightwing mouth peice!
HELLO the source is Bill O' LIELLY himself! Anyone can say these kinds of things about themselves.
Three words on FoxNews balance: Hannity and Colmes. A conservative and a defeatocRat, you can't get more balanced than that. As for this not being serious, obviously you do not live in the Heartland. This is the voice of America!
Not sure what I would do without Fox News! They cut through all that left leaning liberal crapola and tell it like it is! I think you should work for Fox News, Ohio Neocon! You'd be PERFECT!
Tree is wrong. You belong with The Onion. In fact, I suspect you already work there.
Nice one Anon....:)
Let's take Hannity and Colmes as an example.
Alan Colmes is the equivalent of the Washington Generals vs The Harlem Globetrotters!
Let Hannity go up against the likes of a Keith Olbermann or Jack Cafferty then and only then would it be fare and balanced program!
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