Most of this article is filled with typical left-wing loonatic spin about how bad precedent Bush is. However, near the bottom there is a quote that these liberal defeatocRat journalists use to try and slander our great precedent. It says
Friends of his from Texas were shocked recently to find him nearly wild-eyed, thumping himself on the chest three times while he repeated "I am the president!" He also made it clear he was setting Iraq up so his successor could not get out of "our country's destiny."
What should have been obvious to these loons, if they're vision wasn't clouded by they're liberal loonacy is the fact that Bush is standing up for America and HE HAS A PLAN!!! The left-wing media is constantly complaining that precedent Bush has never had a strategy for Iraq. How do they square that with this quote? He is leading our country not only now as precedent, but is PLANNING FAR INTO THE FUTURE so that the next precedent (hopefully Cheney) will be fully prepared to continue our destiny of spreading freedom, democracy and Christianity to not only the Middle East, but the entire world.
Oh, Mr. Ohio, I thought Mr. President was practicing his gorilla imitations.
Maybe...just maybe...our prayers are finally being answered. It's important that President Bush have all his ducks in a row when he leaves office so that when the Antichrist rises up in a few years, we'll be prepared.
Before launching into attacks about the grammar of others you should check you own!! Der Chimpster HAT ein Plan FÜR Amerika! Deutsch ist ziemlich einfach! Ich habe, du hast, sie haben, wir haben IHR HABT, Sie haben! Aber ich danke Ihnen auf jeden Fall für Ihren Kommentar! Also, sorry comparison to Nazis is well, its just sad! Be creative!
Some believe the antichrist speaks german.
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